More 15mm Hammer’s Slammer’s


More Black Powder (15mm Pike & Shotte / 3mm ACW)


My newest Black Powder project, 3mm American Civil war… This allows me to run a Big game on a normal 6′ x 4′ table. I have found no shop in Arizona or Nevada (so far) with any bigger tables than that



This battle at the Little Shop of Magic in Las Vegas has 29 Union regiments vs. 24 Confederate ones in total. The Confederates were unable to push back the smaller Union starting force, before the weight of Yankee reinforcements sealed their doom



Alpha Strike!


Dragon Rampant 28mm


Las Vegas Open 2016, Dragon Rampant rules from Osprey, which are great fun. The Mutant Smurf army assaults the Witches & their allies in the Mushroom fields


Literally anything can be used for figures using these rules, as my favorite mounted conversions in this picture, Goblins as Mutated Smurf’s riding a monster from the Pacific Rim clix set…


The Smurf assault bogged down & was repelled

Black Powder 15mm / Black Powder Pike & Shotte 15mm

30YW Swedes vs. Imperialists        2015 Historical Gameday in Las VegasIMG_20150822_111355IMG_20150822_111244IMG_20150822_111233

Prince Rupert leads a Flank March, ECW Black Powder Pike & Shotte Game in 15mm at the Dragons Refuge in Bradley, IL  December 2015




Battle of Walcourt 1689 @ Inferno Con ’15


Swedes Advance against the Imperialists. This was the 1st game using the “Devils Playground” 30YW supplement for the BP: Pike & Shotte rules

All Quiet on the Martian Front


Gamesday 2015 in Las Vegas, Small game of AQotMF went very badly for the Americans


Big Game of All Quiet on the Martian Front @ InfernoCon 2015 in Las Vegas. Not too long after this the game Died when the original company went Bankrupt, But now has been re-issued by a new owner! It is a fun & simple set of RulesIMG_20150920_143612IMG_20150920_121704

My attempt at a Mk. V American super heavy tank, now that a new owner has re-issued AQotMF, I expect to see an official miniature for this fairly soon


My attempts at making a Lightning tank, and some Fortifications


An American Tank Company with self propelled artillery, Rough Rider & Anti-Tripod Gun platoons attached

Hammers Slammers 15mm


At the Game Depot in Tempe, AZ

IMG_20160427_133319IMG_20160427_133248IMG_20160427_125551IMG_20160427_125526IMG_20160427_125445Hammers Slammers 15mm miniatures… I’ve been wanting to do this in miniature ever since reading the 1st Slammers book by David Drake in 1980. After false starts of a sort in 6mm & 3mm, I finally have enough painted to run scenarios. The rules are simple & play fast      (Hammer’s Slammer’s: The Crucible)IMG_20160415_213316

Recent games \ projects

Beyond the Gates of Antares, working on Ghar & Concord armies… I really like the way the game plays. At Empire Game Shoppe in Spring Valley, NV   My step-son Ed faces my friend Kurt B. while I tried to run the game :>)IMG_20160812_200611IMG_20160812_200515

Christmas game


My Christmas game at the Las Vegas Open 2015. I used the “Donnybrook” rules for this particular game, as my former rules “Chaos on Chronos” tends to bog down a bit with too many miniatures on the table. This was the Mars Attacks Martians attacking the North Pole.


Pictures from (Relatively) recent Games




My Step son Ed ran the 1st Genyosha, but the dice were extremely unkind to him… the only survivor was the Artillery mech who proved “Friendly Fire isn’t”


Last playtest of “Big Scale” Battletech on a 6′ x 16′ table… A level above Alpha Strike with the intention of players running Battalions with simpler rules. They still need a bit of adjustment. Unfortunately, so far, I have not found any place with big enough tables or the interest to try the rules in the Vegas valley… Although the rules did play fast, we had almost 400 units on the table & the game came to a definite conclusion in just under 4 4